Wednesday, March 31, 2010

tunggu masa nak boom!

hey im listening to FT .bencinta. wawa give me spirit lol.ask them who are admired and so die hard fans of him.FT. this is not FT korea yang pling bosan! huahua.give me some space to breathe a while.huh! im really unsatisfied with someone start with cpital later S.ish!hey s,kau pissed aku.ak tak suke tuh.bengang giler cakap pasal dia.SAI im not talking bouyou.relax. :) adela someone ni bab2 give an orders kat kamikami ni memang dialaa yg aku pikir dulu. eh kau ! !! byk lagi membe yg ckp psl kau S.but u just dont realise that.

tips: dah lame sabar. tggu smpai nak boom je! kau ckp macam markonah
lah doesnt like .GRRRR!

n sorang lagi minachi yg S juga.dia ni xserikserikla weh.dah kene sound tak dengar.
hey girl!jgn sampai mak aku dtg skola cari kau. bile dah inlove. famili dihargai. (bro)
sabarsabar doa .istighfar. :))

Monday, March 29, 2010

im dying.AEMH

1.not dying but just a little crapping.dizzy.back to sss today in class ade eateat.haha ayat berterabor.grammar thumb down'. wah.baguih maa mkcik2.rajin tambah syng ni. =)

thanks aunties.even dorang never read this post.

waiting for mom dad :where my meehon tomyam?lapar!!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You are the thunder and I am the lightening.

lagu dilayan sekrang olh SELENA GOMEZ.sai BF ,aku mne ade fan sangat ngan minah ni.lagu dia yang best gile.HAHA. observe this lirik.its deeply meant over me. ''/

How you choose to express yourself
Its all your own and I can tell
It comes naturally, it comes naturally
You follow what you feel inside
Its intuitive, you dont have to try
It comes naturally, mmmm it comes naturally

And it takes my breath away
What you do, so naturally

You are the thunder and I am the lightening
And I love the way you know who you are
And to me its exciting
When you know its meant to be
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
When youre with me, baby
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
Bay bay baby

You have a way of moving me
A force of nature, your energy
It comes naturally (You know it does)
It comes naturally
Mmmm yeah

And it takes my breath away (Everytime)
What you do, so naturally

You are the thunder and I am the lightening
And I love the way you know who you are
And to me its exciting
When you know its meant to be
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
When youre with me, baby
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
Bay bay baby

When we collide, sparks fly
When you look in my eyes, it takes my breath away

You are the thunder and I am the lightening
And I love the way you know who you are
And to me its exciting
When you know its meant to be
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
When youre with me, baby
Everything comes naturally, it comes naturally
Bay bay baby

tips; oolllaalaaa ;D she is disney star.

Monday, March 22, 2010

when the hands are shaking

harihari dilalui mamcam biase.bangun solat tidy up the room rumah.then manage my siister online.ade mase onlinelaa.tpi selalunya aku sntiase byk mase.HAHA .caps lock sebentra.petang sibok menjahit.itu sebab tangan asyik shaking tak hentihenti.habis bengkok jarom tu ak kerjakan.anggaran 6pm blik umah pi solat and tidy up again the rumah.and basoh baju.klu sempat onlinelaa.tpi selalunya ak sentiase byk mase.HAHA. caps lock lagi. :). then mlm adelah klimaks. dahla takde movie best cerita pon mcm wat the heck' ", GRRR. jahitla ak satu baju lagi.entri ni taip.aku still 4 psg baju sdh siap. eh maz, baju ko arini bleh aku buat. SELASA. sorry late =) . naturally SELENA GOMEZ aku playkan di ARES ,woow so

awesome itu lagu. hapeenning. korang mesti wonderkan nape aku x letak lagi pics bju kurung?HAHA.lagi2 caps lock. ;(.saje. maleh.nnti ade mood aku tls entri psl bnde alah tu. :DD

tips; arini aku xde kerja so cari kerja .usya blog org n view blog yg ade bckground brwarna white.sooo ELEGANT. so aku copylaa.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

terlepas maa

waaaa.arini 21 MAC right?oh! terlepas la aku semalam nak pi konsert SUJU.suke betol lagulagu dorang yg best!HUHU sorrysorry its you, :)

pesanan: iheartthem

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

YEAH!make it shortly please

1.curhat kali ini berbeda dari sebelumnya.OHMG whats happen to me??
mood: xberapa baik (sedih)hhuhu.not because of someone.but its also bacause of sometwo and somethree. :D
biasela friendship kadangkadang goyah bagai angin ribot taupan.tapi SOFEA be strong!Allah there with you.myfamily and tut! >.< SAI.sok kite borakborak smbil berjalan kaki ke sekolah.HAA ade urusan yg perlu diberesi.
dah lame tak ngobrol bareng.HOHOOO .rindu kau


menulis setelah penatlelah mengadap HANA kawaii


Thursday, March 11, 2010

tolong aku dol

1. still mencaricari scholarship yang sesuai.jpa mara sime darby shell bank negara.adeh.xpaham dod.sokay.nnti aku cube mintak advise cekgu2 and abah mak mkcikpkcik.korang yang view this blog pon bleh tlg bgi advise kat chatting.thnaks and appreciate much . :DD

utk korang: akak abang yg dh ade experience bleh tolong advise saye yang tgh merangkak ni. HUUH

mood-gembira still lagi tpi.. T.T (SOFEATL)

heartbeats become slow and slow

first. aku cuak pengsan muntah menggeletar.sume mix and diblendkan menjadi sepahit peria.ohoh

pegi sekolah jalan kaki dgn wan and maz.bestla nak amek result .dahla sume gabra semacam.dan akhirnya sampek jejakkan kaki di sekolah.NIK mekaseh bgi ak tips smlm and ak suda 4wadkan dkt kwnkwn kite. OH MG suda tiba d sekolah dan sume ade disitu.ahah .suddenly farid dtg and bilang yang aku dpt A+ bgi geografi.alah ko, ko ingat ak nak caye?tpi mekaseh bgtau least ilang ckit rse nervous.cuak bhai! aku tgkla wajah2 dorang .frens aku zack fatimah nadia djo still mcm berubah. :D. bgos2. dpt la result di tgn.mncurahcurah peluh kat tangan.aduh!
haa!amek kau result .dalam hati. ALHAMDULILLAH.aku teros kol abah mak cikteh ciklim bgitau result yang x seberapa nih.and yang pling aku suke bile time dorang happy and gembira.thats very important :)
taksangke cikgu kamal ade.mnjerit nme aku .YaAllah terkejut dodod.dia ckp suh amek law.but cikgu rosmani ckp takyah amek kos aku nikan malu2.. HEE. betul gakkan. then salamsalam ngn cikgu say trimas and hampir nak mnanges tapi covercover.afterthat jalanjalan dikedai then blik rumah dgn hati gumbira .

utk mereka : NIK NAB TIKA DAHRENEE PUTRI. korang mmg genius.
to abah and mak : saya suda do the best, wan pulak macamne? haha.tpi klu diallowkan.aku mahu jadi mcm dorang.straight a's

done for today : SOFEA TL. ( happy dappy)

Tuesday, March 09, 2010

heart beats faster.dupdapdupdap

salam.rase macam nak kene dead punishment je freaky.takde energy nak bercakap makan minum mandi tido.adeh .taktahu la .mybe sebab sok nak amek result spm yang akan menjadi penentu mase dpn aku dengan harapan mak abah happy :DD .tawakal berserah sajelah, neway tomorrow will be history. happy or sad.laugh or cry.luck or unlucky.that feels are now mix and become bitter than peria. HUHU. :)).

get ready for the next update. bye. SOFEA TL

Sunday, March 07, 2010

only 5minutes to go!

salam.termasuk arini lagi 3 hari mau dapat result spm..makin cuak bak cacing kepanasan.
wuwuwu,insyaAllah arap2 target aku untuk spm tercapai.amin :D

semalam,my friend besday.mazidah.kaukau! hhpy beday .spm gempak yeek.HAHA.nak pi main boling dah loaded.pi tgk wyg sume nak tgk niyang rapik.alihalih the wolfman.this story reminds me tentang tmpt name talbot hull at NZ. psst!hnye utk 18PL.budak kecik takbleh tgk .adeke promoter tu ingat kami2 ni kecikkecik.adeh.. first expect bleh la tgk alice woderlang versi 3d.but unluck suda abis tiket..tpi worthly la jugak.agak ganas dan BeSt!.satu lagi. ade la sorang membe aku ni si **** prank aku kat komuter.adeh.kau buat aku cuak.ingatkan ade yg spy aku.rupenye kau ye **** .HAHA
neway,smlm lagi sekali kena sound dgn abah.alasan delayla.ramai orang. HEE :)
next week ade karnival MARA at klcc.jom!

abes 5minit.bye. SOFEATL
